
This module contains various helper functions that you can use to calculate various results easily. This is an optional module and can be loaded by importing helpers module.

import * as helpers from 'react-scrollsense/helpers';

Helper Reference

1. getVisibleHeight

getVisibleHeight returns the intersecting height for a provided ScrollSensorEvent. You can use this to get the visible height of an element when the sensor triggers a ScrollSensorEvent when that element intersects with the viewport.

import { useRef, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import { useScrollSense } from 'react-scrollsense';
import {getVisibleHeight} from 'react-scrollsense/helpers';

export function MyComponent() {

       let el = useRef();
       let [text, setText] = useState('');
       let sensor = useScrollSense();

       useEffect(() => {

              sensor.onIntersection(el.current, (scrollSensorEvent) => {

                     let visibleHeight = getVisibleHeight(scrollSensorEvent);


       }, [sensor])

       return (
              <div ref={el} className="my-component">


2. getVisibleWidth

getVisibleWidth returns the intersecting width for a provided ScrollSensorEvent. You can use this to get the visible width of an element when the sensor triggers a ScrollSensorEvent when that element intersects with the viewport.

This function is similar to getVisibleHeight function above. Instead, this function is used when you implement horizontal scrolling.

Copyright © 2023. Kasun Jayawardena (XPD). Distributed by MIT license.